Phone - 0117 456 4799
Give in

Do you have a special day of celebration coming up? Ask for donations instead of gifts and help us to continue transforming individuals from vulnerable to empowered.

Giving in celebration is one of the simplest ways that you can fundraise for the Catalyst Foundation and support the work that we do to create opportunities for vulnerable individuals to become the best version of themselves. 

Gather your friends and family to support the Catalyst Foundation’s Programmes.

Birthdays, weddings, christenings, and anniversaries – no matter how big or small your special occasion is, you can share this with the vulnerable individuals that we work with and give them something to celebrate too.

Simply ask for donations instead of gifts, and fundraise for  your celebration easily through either:

Tell us about your exciting upcoming celebration!

Please fill out the following form with the details listed, so that we can fully understand your celebration: