Phone - 0117 456 4799

Ensuring that our beneficiaries are healthy and fit is vitally important to us.

Through our health check examinations and menstrual support, we are able to identify and treat any illnesses that our beneficiaries may have, so that they are able to fully focus on their education, without discomfort.

Since establishing our S.H.E Programme, we have noticed that many of our beneficiaries when they first join the Programme, have never visited a doctor before or have had any medical screenings done. This is often due to their inadequate access to healthcare services and their family’s financial instability.

Our routine health checks that we conduct are a vital part of the support that we offer to our beneficiaries.

The health check examinations that we provide include the following:

Lung Function Checks
ECG (Heart) tests
Weight Checks
Blood pressure
Oxygen saturation & pulse checks
Rapid blood tests to detect HIV/AIDs & diabetes
eye tests
hearing tests
Urine analysis

Through these examinations, we are able to identify any health challenges or learning difficulties that our S.H.E girls may be experiencing and with the assistance of medical professionals, we are able to formulate individual support plans, to ensure that all beneficiaries are fit and healthy, ready to continue thriving in the classroom.

In addition to carrying out health checks on our beneficiaries, we also provide them with support concerning menstrual education and hygiene.

With this topic not being spoken about often, many girls who go through puberty and begin their menstrual cycles, unaware of what is happening to them and often, feel embarrassed about their body changes, which forms a barrier to their education, as they would choose to stay home instead. For those girls who do have some knowledge about this, their inability to acquire sanitary products forms another barrier, as they have no protection during their menstrual cycles.

We come in and provide this education to our beneficiaries, and provide them with the necessary sanitary products needed, removing these barriers so that they are able to go to school daily, without discomfort.

Make your impact today and help us continue
to provide basic healthcare services to
vulnerable girls across Africa.