Phone - 0117 456 4799

Make a donation, and create your impact today

“Girls’ education is the single best investment that any society can make.” – Carol Bellamy

By donating today, your support will help us continue empowering vulnerable girls across Africa to access quality education.


give a single gift
give a regular gift
sponsor a s.h.e. beneficiary
set up an endowment fund

Your donation will help empower the vulnerable
girls whom we support across Africa by:

Providing the means to process legal documentation

Due to being orphaned at young ages, many girls fail to receive their legal documents, preventing them from registering at a school.

Providing consistent education

Included in this is the full payment of school fees, textbooks, exercise books, school uniforms, stationery, as well as any basic clothing needed.

Providing the means to carry out academic assessments.

Due to cultural reasons and a lack of resources, many girls have undetected learning difficulties resulting in them not doing too well at school. We identify these learning difficulties and offer the support necessary for success.

Providing one-on-one psychological counselling.

To assist with the recovery of the various forms of abuse our girls experienced by not being at school or within their unstable home environments.

Providing appropriate healthcare support

This includes Lung function tests, ECG (Heart) tests, weight and height checks, blood pressure tests, oxygen saturation and pulse rate tests, rapid blood tests for the detection of HIV/AIDS or diabetes, eye and hearing tests, and Urine analysis.

Providing solutions to long distances travelled to and from school daily

This includes either providing a bicycle or good walking shoes to our beneficiaries, to make it easier for them to travel to school.

Providing nutritious food hampers

To each beneficiary, and also to their families, so that everyone is able to eat a balanced diet.

Providing additional support aimed at helping to end gender inequality

Providing additional support aimed at helping to end gender inequality through the education of girls’ rights.

Make a difference today!

Help us remove the barriers preventing vulnerable girls across Africa from attaining an education, as every girl has the right to an education!

Select the type of donation that you would like to make:

sponsor a s.h.e. beneficiary

When you sponsor a S.H.E Beneficiary, you will:

  • be contributing to closing the gender inequality gap,
  • receive a photo, background details
    of your sponsored S.H.E Beneficiary, a drawing, as well as frequent updates
    concerning her progress.


Our guarantee to you is that 90% of your donation will go directly
to your sponsored S.H.E Beneficiary.

Start your sponsorship journey today by contacting us to discuss the process:

set up an endowment fund

Think of an endowment as an untouchable savings account. It is a type of donation
where the principal amount is invested to help support us on a long-term basis.

Income from endowment donations allows us to plan ahead for the future of the
S.H.E (Secure, Hope and Empowered) Programme, and the future of our

If you’d like to speak with us about setting up an endowment fund or to find out
more about how a gift from you can transform the lives of our beneficiaries, please

Your generous donation will help us to provide the following to our beneficiaries:

legal documentation processing

Appropriate healthcare support

Guaranteed educational support

A bicycle to make the journey to school easier

Academic assessments to detect learning difficulties

Nutritious food hampers

Psychological counselling

Additional support aimed at ending gender inequality

Together, let’s work together to empower vulnerable girls, and allow them to write a future that is filled with success and achievement.