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#SHEWalks3 – Participant Update – Meet Cathryn Bouaouina and her family from United Kingdom.

Cathryn Bouaouina and her family recently completed their S.H.E. walk around Albert Village Lake in Derbyshire, in support of Catalyst Foundation’s S.H.E. Programme.

Cathryn is the C.E.O. of Discover1553, and has been delivering training to Catalyst Care Group for nearly ten years now. In addition to this, she has also been a keen supporter of Catalyst Foundation since our establishment in 2021.

When asked why Cathryn decided to take part in #SHEWalks3 this year, these were her words:

“I was raised in Africa and I like to give back where I can. Thus, I decided to get my family together to do this year’s walk. My son and daughter together with their partners and our dogs walked around Albert Village lake in Derbyshire.”

Thank you Cathryn for taking part in this event, and for bringing your family along to join you as you create an impact.