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May is Mental Health Awareness Month!

“Don’t be ashamed to tell your story; it will inspire others.”

Talking about mental health can help improve our communities, by making it more acceptable for those suffering from mental illnesses to seek help, learn to cope, and get on the road to recovery. In addition to this, mental health is not just about mental illnesses, but it is also about maintaining a positive state of wellbeing overall.

At Catalyst Foundation, we take mental health awareness very seriously, not only amongst our team of impact players, but especially when it comes to our beneficiaries, as this is a vital part of the support that we offer to them.

Through implementing our S.H.E Programme, we have identified that abuse, neglect, cultural beliefs towards this topic, along with other adverse childhood experiences, have been the main causes of poor mental health within the communities whom we support in rural Zimbabwe and Zambia.

Throughout the month of May, we will be sharing with you how we at Catalyst Foundation enforce positive mental health awareness.