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Meet Meet Maita Isa

Meet Maita Isa

We would like to introduce Maita to you, and for you to get to know the journey that led to her becoming part of the Catalyst Foundation – S.H.E Programme, a little bit more. Maita joined the Catalyst Foundation – S.H.E Programme in 2022, as one of our beneficiary’s from the Beatrice district in Zimbabwe. She really loves the colour blue, eating rice, with any protein available, and her hobbies include knitting and making clothes. Before joining the S.H.E Programme, Maita had numerous barriers that prevented her from going to school and attaining an education. Maita’s parents separated when she was young, and both of them remarried, moving away and abandoning her. She was left in the hands of her Aunt, along with her seven siblings, who now looks after them.

Due to her Aunt’s financial situation, Anesu would sometimes go a few days without any food, she was unable to consistently go to school, as her school fees were often not paid. When she remained at home, to help her Aunt look after her siblings, she would be given too many chores to carry out, leaving her feeling exhausted and drained at the end of the day. On the other hand, the times when she was able to go back to school, which wasn’t very often, she did not have any stationery supplies, textbooks or even sanitary wear. Travelling to school daily was also a struggle for her, as she had to walk a very long distance to and from school every day, making her really tired and unable to fully focus on her studies. 

After meeting Maita’s teachers at her school, we found out that her grades were below average and that she was a slow learner, due to her missing so many days of school at a time, along with the trauma that she had been through when her parents abandoned her. However, her teachers believe in her and with enough support, they are confident that she has the potential to greatly improve her grades over time.

Through our holistic support provided to Maita, we were able to remove all of her barriers, allowing her to go to school and continue with her education. Our health check examinations carried out, identified a few health issues that Maita had, such as high blood pressure, an Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), and high levels of protein in her urine. From this analysis, we have now addressed all of these issues, and now she is perfectly healthy. After receiving her new bicycle, Maita is now able to travel to school a lot easier and quicker, allowing her to have more energy to focus on her schoolwork. Maita now also goes for professional counselling, to assist her with her trauma and mental health. Maita’s Aunt now has peace of mind, as she is able to be there for her siblings a lot more, enabling her to provide for their basic needs, now that Maita’s needs are taken care of by the Catalyst Foundation. 

Maita is now a lot more confident and is motivated to complete her studies with flying colours. Once she finishes her secondary schooling, Maita has dreams of going to university to become an Engineer.

We asked Maita to share with us in one sentence what the

Catalyst Foundation – S.H.E Programme means to her:

” I think that the S.H.E Programme is a good organization, because it helps others who are in need, like me.”

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