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Meet Anesu Mbangami

Anesu Mbangami

We would like to introduce Anesu to you, and for you to get to know the journey that led to her becoming part of the Catalyst Foundation – S.H.E Programme, a little bit more. Anesu joined the Catalyst Foundation – S.H.E Programme in 2022, as one of our beneficiary’s from the Beatrice district in Zimbabwe. She really loves the colour light pink, eating potatoes, with any protein available and playing volleyball. Before joining the S.H.E Programme, Anesu had numerous barriers that prevented her from going to school and attaining an education. Anesu’s parents divorced when she was young, and both married other partners. Her mother is a street vendor and her father is unemployed.

As a result of this, Anesu’s family financial situation was

incredibly unstable, and they were unable to meet their basic daily needs, surviving on less than one dollar a day.

Due to her family’s financial situation, Anesu was unable to consistently go to school, as her family struggled to pay her school fees, purchase new uniforms, stationery, textbooks and her sanitary wear. Travelling to school daily was also a struggle for her, as she had to walk a very long distance to and from school every day, making her really tired and unable to fully focus on her studies. 

After meeting Anesu’s teachers at her school, we found out that she was incredibly intelligent. Despite missing numerous days of school at a time, she has remained top of her class, through determination to catch up all the work missed, and working hard to improve her grades, refusing to fail as a result of her difficult circumstances. 

Through our holistic support provided to her, we were able to remove all of Anesu’s barriers, allowing her to go to school and continue with her education. We provided her with a bicycle, which now allows her to travel to school quicker and more easily. We were also able to identify, through our health check examinations, a few health issues that Anesu had, such as an Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), and high levels of protein in her urine. From this analysis, we have now addressed these two health issues, and she is now perfectly healthy. Anesu’s family is now secure and has peace of mind, knowing that her needs are taken care of, when it comes to her education. 

Once Anesu finishes her secondary schooling, she has dreams of going to university to either become a Lawyer or Meteorologist.

We asked Anesu to share with us in one sentence what the Catalyst Foundation – S.H.E Programme means to her:

“When I grow up, I would like to be a role model like Aunty Mayda, from the UK, so I can assist others who don’t have much, like she has helped me.”

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