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Empowering Girls Through Education: Our Read Ahead Literacy Programme

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Due to limited resources at our partner schools, the English proficiency of the learners is significantly below average. This has been a direct contributing factor to their poor academic results.

As part of our S.H.E. Programme’s support for our beneficiaries and other learners at the schools, we are excited to introduce our Read Ahead Literacy Model. This is a comprehensive initiative aimed at improving English comprehension, English proficiency, and STEM skills among primary school learners.

In this blog post, we will explore the impact of this new academic improvement initiative and how you can play your part in supporting marginalised communities.

Our Read Ahead Literacy Model Explained

Our Read Ahead Literacy Model is structured into four modules, each designed to engage learners and enhance their literacy abilities:

  1. The English Comprehension module focuses on guided reading sessions, comprehension exercises, and reading circles, aiming to develop learners’ understanding of written texts and encourage critical thinking.
  2. The English Proficiency module includes spelling bee competitions, word attack exercises, and vocabulary games, fostering improved spelling skills, word recognition, and overall English language proficiency.
  3. The STEM module integrates science experiments, technology and engineering projects, and mathematics games to nurture interest and proficiency in STEM subjects through hands-on activities and exploration.
  4. Lastly, the Reading Marathons and Challenges module promotes a love for reading through various engagement activities such as reading challenges, author visits, and book discussions. This module aims to develop learners’ reading stamina, independent reading habits, and appreciation for literature.

Partnership with Read Zimbabwe Trust

Our partnership with Read Zimbabwe Trust is a collaboration that has so far resulted in the acquisition of 1580 top-notch reading books. These books have been generously distributed to our partner schools in the Beatrice and Tsholotsho districts, cultivating a vibrant reading culture and enhancing comprehension skills among learners.

The collaboration goes beyond book distribution – Read Zimbabwe Trust has also educated the teachers on effectively utilising these resources, empowering them to seamlessly integrate the books into their teaching practices. 

The Impact and Future

Our Read Ahead Literacy initiative has seen a significant positive change in the enthusiasm and ownership displayed by learners towards reading. With the donated books focusing on a diverse range of age-appropriate topics, our initiative takes pride in catering to the unique learning needs and interests of each and every learner. As a testament to our commitment to the learners involved, Catalyst Foundation has set aside 30 minutes of dedicated reading time each week for learners in every grade, fostering a strong reading culture that undoubtedly shapes their futures.

How You Can Make a Difference

Join us as we improve learners’ English proficiency by making a donation today. Your support can make a significant difference in our ability to continue providing the Read Ahead Literacy initiative at our partner schools.

By donating, you will be contributing to the education of children in Africa, empowering them to unlock their full potential and improve their overall English proficiency.