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‘Cycle for Girls’ Fundraiser – hosted by Leaf Complex Care & LD Network (Exeter, United Kingdom)

Event Background:

Catalyst Care Group’s Leaf Complex Care & LD Network brands, held a fundraising event, where thirteen (13) enthusiastic individuals associated with Leaf Complex Care & LD Network, raised funds by virtually cycling the length of the United Kingdom, which is 600 miles / 1000 km to support the Catalyst Foundation. (This is the distance that all sixty-two (62) beneficiaries being supported through its S.H.E (Secure, Hope, Empowered) Programme, collectively, have to walk to and from school, every single day.) 


Event Conclusion:

What an incredible day Saturday 13th May was! 
Our team of cyclists smashed every single goal that they set, all in support for our S.H.E Programme.
Since Saturday, donations continue to stream in which is out of this world! We have now surpassed our fundraising goal by £420.00! 
Once again, a big thank you goes to all of our amazing supporters for contributing to the success of our ‘Cycle for Girls’ Fundraiser, to all the clinicians who came out to support, and to the team themselves for their incredible efforts in making this day possible. 
Special thanks also go to Bodyworld Gym for allowing our cyclists to use their gym for this event.


Highlights from the event: