Due to her grandparent’s financial situation, sometimes they would go days without food, so that Sylvia and her siblings were able to eat. However, she was unable to consistently go to school, as her school fees were often not paid. The times when she was able to go back to school, which wasn’t very often, she did not have any stationery supplies, school uniforms or exercise books to use in class.
After meeting Sylvia’s teachers at her school, we found out that her grades were above average, which was remarkable, as she often misses many days of school at a time. She works really hard to catch up on the work that she had missed, and her teachers believe that Sylvia has the potential to greatly improve her grades over time.
Through our holistic support provided to Maita, we were able to remove all of her barriers, allowing her to go to school and continue with her education. Our health check examinations carried out, identified a few health issues that Sylvia had, such as an Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), and high levels of protein in her urine. From this analysis, we have now addressed all of these issues, and now she is perfectly healthy. Sylvia’s Grandparents now has peace of mind, as they are now able to be food secure, allowing everyone within the family to eat a balanced diet daily, and are able to be there for her siblings a lot more, and providing for their basic needs, now that Sylvia’s needs are taken care of by the Catalyst Foundation.
Sylvia is now a very confident student, who absolutely loves public speaking. Her empowerment has given her a voice, where she is able to view her opinion, and stand up for her rights. Once she finishes her secondary schooling, Sylvia has dreams of going to University to become a Lawyer.
We asked Sylvia to share with us what the
Catalyst Foundation – S.H.E Programme means to her:
“Before joining the S.H.E Programme, my life was very difficult, but now, I am so happy to receive a complete uniform, and everything is brand new. I often feel like I am dreaming! Thank you, S.H.E for everything that you do for me.”